Aku adalah masalah & beban yang melemaskan mimpi-mimpi kamu.
Aku adalah hantu yang menenggelamkan deria hari-hari kamu.
Laut, karamkan diri & keserabutan aku.
Tunjukkan masa depan aku.
Follow, Scream!!
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Sub Koneksi Liar #4
Saturday, 17 December 2011
A line to start
This is the gaping line between a place that i was never walk yet. This is exciting but tiring as the weeks past. Sorry for the absence few months back. I'm hoping to have time writing something.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Sub Koneksi Liar #3
Aku tak pasti jika duit dikaitkan dengan kekebalan masalah kerana bila ada duit, aku tetap bermasalah. Dan bila tak ada duit, aku tetap bermasalah. Masalah adalah masalah yang tak akan lenyap begitu saja di dunia, sentiasa ada selagi terpancutnya air mani di ruang vagina. Hanya orang tak berakal & berilmu saja tak ada masalah. Senang cerita, orang gila.
Khalil Gibran pernah tulis sesuatu macam ni dalam bukunya, "orang tak ada ilmu & jiwa adalah orang paling bebas."
Yang peliknya, berusaha menjadi kaya adalah satu masalah juga bagi sesetengah orang. Padahal mereka sendiri pun mahu kaya. Kadang-kadang, mereka lagi ghairah & menggeletek bila ada duit besar depan mata mereka dengan perangai menjelikkan.. Ah, berjuta-juta kali lebih tamak dari mamak mereka lepak.
Dari melayan orang konon-konon suci di dunia ini, baik aku makan pau kaya kat Vegas, lagi best!
Monday, 7 November 2011
apekah itu karisma dan diplomasi dlm ketegasan??
sememangnya ramai bercita2 mnjadi pemimpin..
tp sudah layakkah mereka setelah melabel segelintir insan sbg sampah??
layakkah mereka setelah mnjalani kehidupan robot dan menjadi stereotypist??
msh byk yg perlu dipelajari..
dunia tidak bergerak pada satu paksi tetap..
terlalu byk invisible network yg mengelilingi kita..
terlalu byk invisible energy yg bekerja diskeliling kita..
belajar utk menguasai vertical n horizontal cause...
jgn igt stakat mnjadi manusia yg berperilakuan baik, segalenye akn mnjadi baik dgn bantuan tuhan..
kalo sume nk harap jatuh dr langit, ape gune die beri kau akal dan cmpakkan kau ke bumi yg dipenuhi ilmu2??
belajar dr bawah, bermule sbg insan plg hine...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Killing Me...
its killing me to pretend just fine..
try to prove dat im stronger than u..
try to prove i dont need u dat much..
but deep inside i do miss u damn much..
its killing me dear...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
NO feeling...
no heart feeling,
no hard feeling,
no hurt feeling,
just if i could~~
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
i dont know,
what happen to me..
n what next happen to me..
but it feel like,
im hurting myself..
whenever you playing around,
make a fool of me,
theres nothing left,
for me to speak for us...
i do heart you,
but you do hurt me...
but no worry SWEETHURT...
you are too much sweet as hurt...
in the pain of misery,
full of shed of blood...
you cant see im crying for TEARS....
you just cant see me...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Friday, 21 October 2011
Tuding Jari!!!!!
hoi manusia...
masih xserik kau bicara???
kau ludah pada mereka???
kau siapa??
perlukah sampai ku campak ketulan tahi najis itu semua kedalam mulut mu??
biar sebati saja bau najis itu dgn busuk hatimu...
selagi kau menuding jari menyalahkan orang, selagi itu kau menjadi bodoh!!
setiap kali kau menuding ke arah insan, kau akan menyalahkan tuhanmu jua, 3kali kau akan menyalahkan diri sendiri...
belajar lah menunduk, sekadar melihat dimana kau berpijak..
belajarlah mendongak, sekadar melihat kau dibawah naungan siapa...
setiap bisikan keliling akan memanipulasi diri...
tetapi kau yang angkuh, memanipulasi diri sendiri dan orang lain demi kesempurnaan diri sndir..
mmg kau sempurna!!!
tetapi kaulah manusia sempurna yang hinaaa!!!!
jgn sekali kau mencemuh mereka tanpa melihat dan mengenali hati budi mereka.....
apa pun, sudah termaktub hatimu lebih hina...
aku takut melihat manusia2 seperti mu...
manusia yg bakal menikam belakangku..
manusia yg bakal memakan daging dan hatiku...
manusia yg bakal menggenggam ramas otakku...
aku merayu padamu...
biar apa saja yg kau lakukan,
jgn sekali mendekati saudara2ku...
kerana kehadiran mu bakal merosakkan suasana...
lihat saja dlm hati mu itu...
adakah lebih bersih dari setitik dakwat????????
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Sub-Koneksi Liar #2
Gitar, buku, novel, zine, kaset & apa saja yang berselerak di bilik aku menjadi tak berguna bila hati aku tak tenteram. Aku sedar, ketenangan hidup aku sekarang sekadar menyorokkan segelintir gelisah yang meronta-ronta untuk membuak. Gelisah untuk mengenal pasti cinta sang wanita yang pernah aku peluk. Romantis, sakit, pedih, kecewa & marah yang berganti-ganti tak pernah berhenti menghiasi ruang waktu, penuh dengan nafas syurga, segalanya cukup membuatkan aku terasa kesempurnaan perasaan seorang manusia.
Dan untuk sang wanita yang aku peluk, mesti terselit rasa-rasa yang ingin membuatkan aku kekal bersama dia. Yeeh, kekal, dalam bentuk apa saja. Dan aku akan selalu bertanya diri sendiri, cukup? Dan aku akan cinta & cinta & cinta & cinta lagi tanpa henti, tanpa penat, tanpa keluh.
Tapi, nafas syurga itu membusuk & mengembang sehingga pecah mimpi-mimpi aku. Dan serpihan-serpihan itu mencucuk jantung aku untuk sakit, menjerit, maki & apa-apa saja yang tercampak dari mulut. Setiap cucuk itu terbenam dalam, membuatkan apa saja cara untuk mencabutnya menjadi hampir mustahil. Dan apa yang aku mampu lakukan cuma meratap & mengerang.
Yeeh, hampir mustahil.
Untuk aku.
Dan untuk sang wanita yang aku peluk, mesti terselit rasa-rasa yang ingin membuatkan aku kekal bersama dia. Yeeh, kekal, dalam bentuk apa saja. Dan aku akan selalu bertanya diri sendiri, cukup? Dan aku akan cinta & cinta & cinta & cinta lagi tanpa henti, tanpa penat, tanpa keluh.
Tapi, nafas syurga itu membusuk & mengembang sehingga pecah mimpi-mimpi aku. Dan serpihan-serpihan itu mencucuk jantung aku untuk sakit, menjerit, maki & apa-apa saja yang tercampak dari mulut. Setiap cucuk itu terbenam dalam, membuatkan apa saja cara untuk mencabutnya menjadi hampir mustahil. Dan apa yang aku mampu lakukan cuma meratap & mengerang.
Yeeh, hampir mustahil.
Untuk aku.
Biar aku leka & sebati dengan setiap cucukan & kesakitan ini. Biar aku lupa, biar terabai. Dan aku biarkan setiap cucukan itu di situ. Asal aku gembira. Asal jantung aku masih mampu mengepam darah. Buat masa ini. Dan mungkin sebab itu, aku gelisah bila irama-irama pecah tiba-tiba menerjah telinga. Aku paranoid dengan segala idea & ilusi yang pernah meranapkan mimpi aku. Ketakutan & kegilaan tertanam sedalam-dalamnya di benak otak aku. Sehingga untuk mengatakan bahawa aku pernah memiliki cinta hebat adalah seakan-akan satu jerat untuk membuatkan aku hanyut & tenggelam dengan emosi liar & kacau.
Dan untuk orang lemah & mudah goyah seperti aku, mengusiknya seakan menabur mantera hitam untuk berjalang.
Sebab takut jika aku akan mengadu pada cinta hebat yang pernah wujud supaya pulangkan kembali hari-hari esok aku.
Dan untuk orang lemah & mudah goyah seperti aku, mengusiknya seakan menabur mantera hitam untuk berjalang.
Sebab takut jika aku akan mengadu pada cinta hebat yang pernah wujud supaya pulangkan kembali hari-hari esok aku.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
kate2 hikmah untuk hari ini....
persamaan antara org miskin harte dan miskin pekerti adelah CERMIN DIRI SENDIRI;
org miskin harte tak mampu beli CERMIN untuk DIRI SENDIRI..
org miskin pekerti tak mampu nak CERMIN DIRI SENDIRI..
GREEN Farms:
Chill Out,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Sup Konek Selia... Hahaha...
aku nih mamat art...
i need love,
i need hurt,
i need pain,
i need problem,
i need conflict,
i need space,
i need path,
i am succeed!!
jgn expect aku robot,
aku bkn hambe cinte,
aku bkn hambe dunie,
xyah nk merobek jantung dpn aku,
aku xsuke,
cukup r jantung aku yg dirobek,
baru hati aku hidup lihat seni,
baru aku hargai segala kt dunie...
tapi aku tetap aku dan akan terus jadi aku,
biar aku ngn hidup aku,
byk lg mende yang aku nk kejar,
semue yg berlaku kt keliling aku cume kebetulan,
bukan aku rancang sume tuh,
tuhan yang rancang sekadar nk bagi ilham kat jiwe seni aku,
jadi jgn jd bodoh lg dan berenti menyalahkan...
belajar hargai dengan mnde 'paling kecik' yg ko ade,
baru ko xkan nyesal dengan mnde 'paling besar' yg ko xde...
berenti laa hine orang,
ko ckp ko xpndang hine,
tp aku kenal ko lame,
aku taw hati budi ko,
luar cantik, dalam buruk,
tlg sedar diri blh x??
ko rase ko bagus tp x bgus mane pn,
orang lain mmg teruk tp ade satu mnde cantik yg belum digilap dlm hati die,
bkn slh die, slh org kliling die jd cmtu,
maybe slh org cm kite...
aku suke hargai sampah sbb aku taw manusie yg hipokrit, stereotaip dan tipikal akan pijak dan pandang hine sampah tuh,
kalo bgs sgt npe xnk cuci sampah tuh??
sbb ko takot sampah blh jd lg cantik kan??
kalo btol ko pnyayang, blaja r syg segalenye start dr mnde plg buruk pn,
baru hati ko xbute ngn mnde cantik..
sudah lah,
bosan aku bicare mnde same je taw x??
xkan aku asyik nk remukkan jiwe aku untuk ko??
aku sibuk ngn mase dpn aku skang,
byk mnde aku kne setel dr nk lyn prangai budak ko tuh,
jgn ask nk slhkn aku sdgkan ko taw slh kite..
aslkan ko matang aku bahagie~~~
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Insight Inlife...
i want it!!
i need it!!
i'll grab it!!
fucked up the wall!!!
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Sub-Koneksi Liar #1
Aku adalah kegagalan. Fucking failure. Gagal & gagal & gagal. Aku gagal dengan diri sendiri. Gagal pada manusia. Gagal pada kehidupan. Dan gagal pada Tuhan. Hidup aku penuh dengan mimpi & angan-angan yang tak tahu lagi realitinya. Aku adalah kegembiraan politikus-politikus kehidupan yang impikan keagungan maruah diri. Aku adalah perlian, hentaman & najis kehidupan. Kehadiran aku membusuk & merimaskan sehingga dijirus & dicuci, sampai setitik air liur aku pun menjadi jijik.
I'm a moron for these chaotic crowds!
Aku umpama orang gila yang tak pernah tahu irama harmoni gitar. Aku cuma mampu petik, rimas, petik, rimas, petik, rimas sehingga berserabut & sempit akal aku, sehingga aku akan hempas gitar di kepala sendiri, hempas & hempas & hempas, sehingga menangis melihat cebisan-cebisan gitar yang bertaburan & tali-tali yang putus. Dan aku biarkan apa-apa saja di sekeliling menguasai aku. Sehingga untuk menulis nota internet yang berguna pun aku gagal.
Yeeh, I'm a fucking failure. My head is fucking disturbed.
Yeeh, I'm a fucking failure. My head is fucking disturbed.
Rise up, middle finger.
All I want to do is just riot!
Friday, 14 October 2011
Aku Sang Koboid...
meniti kehidupan sbg Sang Koboid bkan lah perkara mudah...
walau perlu ucapan slamat tinggal pd si muda, aku masih dikelilingi kebebalan...
aku xkebal... aku bebal...
siapa yg perlu dipersalahkan??
jgn salahkan sesiapa...
mungkin aku salahkan tuhan...
Dia yg aku gelar tuhan, aku xpernah kenal...
kenal hanya pada nama.. tp maksud nama??
aku pernah hargai apa yg diberi..
aku xpernah syukuri apa yg diberi...
aku hanya mempergunakan namanya untuk kepentingan...
aku xkan mengaku salah...
sbb aku tahu itu salah..
apa yg benar, semua manusia yg salah...
aku salahkan die meragut org kesayanganku...
xperlu ku ucap melalui kata2..
cukuplah melalui tingkah laku bodoh ku...
satu ungkapan mudah...
juga perbuatan yg mudah...
apa yg perlu aku jalankan, hanya salahkan insan lain hanya kerana kebebalan ku...
keluarga aku, kawan2 aku, juga kekasih ku...
semuanya palsu belaka...
semuanya orang bodoh..
pura2 berada disampingku...
tetapi xpernah hargai aku...
itulah punca aku kekurangan kasih syg...
akhirnya aku membuat keputusan...
aku keluar menjalang...
mencari yg naif...
mungkin senang mahu memperbodohkan mereka....
hey, aku Sang Koboid...
sekelip mata mampu berubah menjadi romeo picisan....
apa yang aku cari sebenarnya??
mungkin kasih sayang?? aku sndiri keliru...
yang pasti aku mahu cari masalah....
tp tlg maafkan aku...
aku jantan bachul...
aku pengecut...
aku penakut...
aku lebih rela menjadi bangsat dari menerima akibat...
saat nanti akan aku gunakan tuhan ku lagi..
untuk menyumpah manusia yg menyakitkan aku..
tapi aku sendiri yg memilih masalah...
adakah ini bermakna aku memohon agar tuhan melaknat diriku sendiri???
insan berakal pasti sudah dapat jawapan..
tp jgn risau..
aku hanya berotak, tidak berakal...
dgn angkuh aku menuding jari pada tuhan dan setiap insan...
aku bebal...
xmahu keluar dr kepompong buruk ku...
aku berpura-pura arif dan bijaksana tentang 'menghargai, menyayangi dan mencintai'...
tetapi aku terlupa...
aku terlupa tentang Ilahi..
aku tidak menghargai setiap apa yg diberi..
aku tidak menyayangi setiap apa yg diberi..
aku tidak mencintai setiap apa yg diberi...
iaitu nyawa, kehidupan dan diri aku sndiri...
yg pasti aku hanya berani berkata-kata gah...
berpura-pura anak jantan walau kejantanan sudah lama dimamah usia...
konon2 mahu menghapuskan setiap lelaki sejati dihadapan ku..
tetapi aku tersilap mencabar insan...
akhirnya maruah aku dipijak oleh Sang Penulis...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Thursday, 25 August 2011
bara sengsara..
hidup penuh dgn masalah dan tekanan..
jiwa meronta, merayau dlm kekacauan..
selubung hati dibawa bayu pergi..
kesungguhan dan ketabahan goyah, pudar..
selaput senjakala dimeterai kekusutan..
sanubari bagai terkubur di benak hati..
cahaya kian malap dihembus sang puaka..
pitam bagai seribu kepiluan melanda hati...
dikala jiwa lemah ditusuk api..
teman menjadi penawar duka...
mnyuluh segenap kegelapan di lubuk sepi..
walau hanya dengan secebis senyuman dan tawa..
thx to merrygohigh n lipas demam yg sntiase disisi..
sean dean jauh sgt...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Monday, 27 June 2011
were given...
was given...
was it u??
was it me??
please blame for nothing...
changing is different..
path always unusual...
wall do stand..
for everywhere..
my eyes see..
totally weird eyes...
bodies stand on stage..
do they even have soul??
can say nothing..
still for finding..
need act my play..
thougt it turn me freak...
just let...
then i walk..
it's today...
were given...
was given...
was it u??
was it me??
please blame for nothing...
changing is different..
path always unusual...
wall do stand..
for everywhere..
my eyes see..
totally weird eyes...
bodies stand on stage..
do they even have soul??
can say nothing..
still for finding..
need act my play..
thougt it turn me freak...
just let...
then i walk..
it's today...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Im going home sorry.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
hidup menderita...
yg wujud hanya rasa xbersyukur...
jd xperlu merungut..
buka saja mata...
cari dan ambil setiap peluang...
walau keadaan xmenentu,
hidup xkan goyang..
selagi wujud buah fikiran,
didalam hati...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Sunday, 12 June 2011
apa yg ditakutkan??
siapa raksasa??
mengapa raksasa??
xperlu jawapan utk persoalan lalu...
hanya perlu tahu...
raksasa wujud dlm kepercayaan setiap jiwa...
memakan segala unsur jiwa....
dari mimpi??
mimpi ngeri setiap jiwa..
bkn skadar mainan tidur...
lebih kepada pahit dan kegelapan...
jaga saja jiwa mu..
jika xmahu menjadi santapan raksasa...
kebalkan jiwa mu...
hanya jiwa yg mampu menghapus raksasa jahanam....
apa yg ditakutkan??
siapa raksasa??
mengapa raksasa??
xperlu jawapan utk persoalan lalu...
hanya perlu tahu...
raksasa wujud dlm kepercayaan setiap jiwa...
memakan segala unsur jiwa....
dari mimpi??
mimpi ngeri setiap jiwa..
bkn skadar mainan tidur...
lebih kepada pahit dan kegelapan...
jaga saja jiwa mu..
jika xmahu menjadi santapan raksasa...
kebalkan jiwa mu...
hanya jiwa yg mampu menghapus raksasa jahanam....
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Matahari Kembali
mlm yg kekacauan...
berputar beralih arah...
menerajui imbasan minda senjakala...
berlari anak..
wajah sahabat terlena dibahu...
terus mencari setiap kepastian yg tidak pasti...
itu yg muncul juga dihadapan pintu bilik...
keterbalikan singgahsana..
masih berputar...
harus bermula dr yg mana??
masih dlm ketahuan...
dr permulaan..
benak hati rasa sunyi..
mencari arah jiwa..
mencari arah akal...
pabila manusia dihujung usia..
dtg kembali berkeadaan segak..
menabur wang yg tidak bernilai..
muncul juga manusia berkepala anjing..
tubuh basah memerah keringat..
keselesaan menghilang lagi..
tidak kira kiri atau kanan...
yg pasti hanya pejamkan mata kembali..
walau masih jauh perjalanan...
namun tidak tercapai memori dalaman...
bagai bayangan yg wujud ketika mata dibuka..
masih mencari identiti ketika tubuh berterbangan..
yg pasti...
carikan saja diri sebenar...
yg patut diikuti...
bkn sekadar diingini
bunyi suasana pagi indah ini
(earth - old black, father midnight)
mlm yg kekacauan...
berputar beralih arah...
menerajui imbasan minda senjakala...
berlari anak..
wajah sahabat terlena dibahu...
terus mencari setiap kepastian yg tidak pasti...
itu yg muncul juga dihadapan pintu bilik...
keterbalikan singgahsana..
masih berputar...
harus bermula dr yg mana??
masih dlm ketahuan...
dr permulaan..
benak hati rasa sunyi..
mencari arah jiwa..
mencari arah akal...
pabila manusia dihujung usia..
dtg kembali berkeadaan segak..
menabur wang yg tidak bernilai..
muncul juga manusia berkepala anjing..
tubuh basah memerah keringat..
keselesaan menghilang lagi..
tidak kira kiri atau kanan...
yg pasti hanya pejamkan mata kembali..
walau masih jauh perjalanan...
namun tidak tercapai memori dalaman...
bagai bayangan yg wujud ketika mata dibuka..
masih mencari identiti ketika tubuh berterbangan..
yg pasti...
carikan saja diri sebenar...
yg patut diikuti...
bkn sekadar diingini
bunyi suasana pagi indah ini
(earth - old black, father midnight)
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Sip Sugar Lie...
sip by sip,
blown be off,
stare to sea,
deep in fun...
sugar most sugar,
slide of wound,
fry the sky,
double those...
lie o lie,
just heaven kiss',
trap to die,
within the violence...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Key Word...

"be careful what do you wish for,
because TODAY is not the end of YESTERDAY,
but TODAY is always the start of TOMORROW....."
hope for everyone whispering to everyone.....
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Monday, 23 May 2011
Please God guide me. Show me the light.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
what a joke if u fooling around, questioning everything..
pulling the the hope of faith, while u hold a faith...
stated everything just delusion, unnoticed ur life an illusion...
laughing is all u can when ur heart and mind were sealed in fire...
u r great, u r the future of the doom...
god goat, u r scape...
respecting n smiling, enough 4 me to do...
u think im terrible, i stand on the sky...
enough 4 circle, enough 4 square..
ur act r ugly, like ur heart n face..
u smile, i smile...
but u eat, i spit...
i may suck 4 us...
u may good 4 urs...
but i see ur blindness..
because ur circle just ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL, bastard!!
"dedicated this to anyone who can READ, no matter u r THEM or US..."
PEACE~~ =]
(playlist: pink floyd - another brick in the wall)
pulling the the hope of faith, while u hold a faith...
stated everything just delusion, unnoticed ur life an illusion...
laughing is all u can when ur heart and mind were sealed in fire...
u r great, u r the future of the doom...
god goat, u r scape...
respecting n smiling, enough 4 me to do...
u think im terrible, i stand on the sky...
enough 4 circle, enough 4 square..
ur act r ugly, like ur heart n face..
u smile, i smile...
but u eat, i spit...
i may suck 4 us...
u may good 4 urs...
but i see ur blindness..
because ur circle just ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL, bastard!!
"dedicated this to anyone who can READ, no matter u r THEM or US..."
PEACE~~ =]
(playlist: pink floyd - another brick in the wall)
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Knowledge is the key of everything.
I need to understand the world. There is so much to reach but nothing seems close enough. I know there are many ways of reaching it all. Through knowledge. Key of everything. Nothing is impossible but there is time chasing me. The time will stop and i will not reach it all by then. Maybe a little part of it. It will be enough, at least i tried.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Yes. You are totally right.
Yes you are right. That person talk about that person life all the time. I'm sorry. I just want to tell you the truth but i can't. Sorry again.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Wash Your Mind 1st!!!
yup!! yup!! yup!!
wash ur mind first...
for what??
for blindly accusing my community...
watch ur mouth for everything u told us...
watch urself for what u be...
some of u r 'mat skema'
some of u r typical idiot..
most of u r slave of stereotype poor mind...
but, all of u r have ur own problem..
BIG problem...
'eating disorder' problem...
bcoz u 'eat' everything were given...
n turn ur 'food' into 'ur shit' directly..
never 'digest' ur 'food' in ur 'small stomach' in ur head..
try to 'deep' for everything written...
wash ur mind first...
for what??
for blindly accusing my community...
watch ur mouth for everything u told us...
watch urself for what u be...
some of u r 'mat skema'
some of u r typical idiot..
most of u r slave of stereotype poor mind...
but, all of u r have ur own problem..
BIG problem...
'eating disorder' problem...
bcoz u 'eat' everything were given...
n turn ur 'food' into 'ur shit' directly..
never 'digest' ur 'food' in ur 'small stomach' in ur head..
try to 'deep' for everything written...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Monday, 16 May 2011
The true one god.
We are heading the same way. Every changes we made matters. We create one thing today for another one thing tomorrow. There will be no deadline. And knowledge is power. The answer to everything is knowledge and only the worthy will gain them. I am changing and hoping that i am a part of the future to be revealed to the others. So may you. You are also a part of this world. We are revolutionizing over time and the enlighten time will come. You will know when the time comes if you are worthy. Im not sure if I am.
yes sean dean. you know what i am talking about.
yes sean dean. you know what i am talking about.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
We are not the same person anymore.
As matter of fact i hate to but have to change. Everyone is changing. Every second. And i realize now that I and you are not the same person anymore. This is the point where we start.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
This is a new beginning.
There are no more family traditions now. Since the other writers are away. The last we met were at the MONO concert at Bentley Music Auditorium. It was awesome. But no strings, but again it was not less awesome. It was awesome. Do you get it? AWESOME. I know i am being overreacted but i dont care. I was there and you were not. If you were there then thank you. They performed a new song if i am not mistaken. Yet it is very beautiful. I wish things are still the same. But then yes, we are moving on. The time are running out and yet we still cant find a way to start.
thank you
thank you
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Zaman Manusia Sombong
Bila benda dah nak habis, dah nak lenyap nak musnah, itu jam la kau nak bagi harapan kat orang. Orang kata tak logik pun, tetap ada yang nak mengharap. 5% dari 100% pun tetap dikira ada juga kan?
F.U Great People.
p/s: you are now living in Earth 1.
F.U Great People.
p/s: you are now living in Earth 1.
Friday, 29 April 2011
Friday not Sunday
Today is, in fact not sunday but friday. Friday is a day when people go to TGIF because thank god its friday?? What.. saya ada benda len nak cakap. japgi..
Thursday, 28 April 2011
What more could you ask for?
Nothing. :)
Im back and ill be writing tonight.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Bagaimanakah benda ini berfungsi?
hmmm. hmmm. hmm.bigini kot?
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Hello. Its me again.
Its been really depressing week. So as perc rocket had earlier told, we can barely post anything in these 2 weeks. We promise will make it up as these depressing weeks end.
Kesan Sampingan Marijuana Menyebabkan Maut!!!
kerana kebosanan xleh tidor malam, aku telah berjalan2 di pelosok dunia maya....
lalu aku telah menemui satu fakta yg membuatkan aku tersenyum.....
apesal ayat nerd nak mam***!!!
setelah sekian lame aku membuat kajian, last2 terpakse gak aku ngaku yg kesan sampingan drpd weed mmg boleh membunuh....
xkire r dalam short term or long term.....
ye, benar!!
weed sememangnye mendatangkan kesan maut kepade penggunenye....
nk taw sbb pe???
sbb LAW OF DRUG!!!
undang2 sendiri yg byk membunuh masyarakat kite...
pastu ade hati plak nk salahkan weed....
xpatot btollaa... =[
lalu aku telah menemui satu fakta yg membuatkan aku tersenyum.....
apesal ayat nerd nak mam***!!!
setelah sekian lame aku membuat kajian, last2 terpakse gak aku ngaku yg kesan sampingan drpd weed mmg boleh membunuh....
xkire r dalam short term or long term.....
ye, benar!!
weed sememangnye mendatangkan kesan maut kepade penggunenye....
nk taw sbb pe???
sbb LAW OF DRUG!!!
undang2 sendiri yg byk membunuh masyarakat kite...
pastu ade hati plak nk salahkan weed....
xpatot btollaa... =[
pikir2kan laa balik ape yg Incik PercRockett taip nih....
xde org mati sebab overdose weed laaa...
paling terok pon pengsan aje...
xde org mati sebab overdose weed laaa...
paling terok pon pengsan aje...
Monday, 11 April 2011
With bong in hands, through the air past the time. Through the note we traced, step in the mind, body n soul. Slide away, began to fly. The lower note, low end pith, high distorted pitch control the story. Dynamics and volume shaped the aesthetics. Till the part it comes to the end,"PUFFF!", it disappeared, vanished. leaving you in a tragic identity crisis.
Perfect Circle...
fade away..
better way of slow..
turn out..
out of control..
to be true,
nothing seems differ...
coz there is no way out
out from stairs of heaven..
hide off...
the deep hole never bleed...
for draining blood..
from the sludge thinking...
run into the sky....
not a difference...
not a chance..
when a hole waiting...
calm as slowly...
better faster...
off the middle...
off the perfect circle..
'..... perc rockett'
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Mental Exposure..
sacked n sleep...
turn if off...
full of odd...
still remain unchosen...
deep in emptiness...
not the scratch..
but why??
would be the anonymous...
of the dark...
in the hood of moisture...
wave of destruction....
in no threatening ways...
"mental exposure"
Perc Rockett...
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Haunted Jamming Studio...
(google image)
lps stoned, mate da rabak, g jamm ngn bebudak WeedBoys...
merrygohigh maen drum...
lipas demam maen bass...
sean dean maen lead guitar...
aku plak juz maen 2nd guitar aje..
saje nk wat nyemak...
mmg feeling habis...
ntah lagu pape tah yg kua...
smpai lps jamm tue pon brader tuh siap sound, "pergh, berhantu!!!"
da r studio tuh mmg berhantu...
da byk kes org kne kacau...
tp aku mmg ade terdengar cam suare pmpuan mengilai pon td...
xtaw r real or illusion...
"Perc Rockett!!"
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Awaken Pt.1 (Unfinished)
fade along...
silence grow...
to the heaven of the dusk...
was they meant together...
creep of scars...
shining stars...
if the past would never...
hope are meant forever...
washing away the sins for nature...
scream the lust for tomorrow...
stepping aside the pride of sorrow...
make a chance for the hopeless...
"I'm PR"
silence grow...
to the heaven of the dusk...
was they meant together...
creep of scars...
shining stars...
if the past would never...
hope are meant forever...
washing away the sins for nature...
scream the lust for tomorrow...
stepping aside the pride of sorrow...
make a chance for the hopeless...
"I'm PR"
GREEN Farms:
Life's Journal,
WeedBoys : Jack St. Honour
Top 10 Pros and Cons of Weed~~
skang nih mmg aku style pemalas gila babai....
idea dtg mmg mencurah2....
tp cm xde mase nk nk wat entry baru...
bile time tgh free da cam xbes daa nk wat blik...
idea pn da xfresh..
point ade tp nk elaborate blik xreti daa...
maybe sbb serabut ngn keadaan skang kot...
keadaan yg memerlukan aku utk fokus pd komitmen laen...
ceh, ayat mmg bajet cool gile kan??
tp even pape pon, aku try gak mencari mende yg bes
utk dibace...
not my art for diz time...
juz info yg di cetak bulat2 aje dr http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000141
nk translate blik pn malas...
idea dtg mmg mencurah2....
tp cm xde mase nk nk wat entry baru...
bile time tgh free da cam xbes daa nk wat blik...
idea pn da xfresh..
point ade tp nk elaborate blik xreti daa...
maybe sbb serabut ngn keadaan skang kot...
keadaan yg memerlukan aku utk fokus pd komitmen laen...
ceh, ayat mmg bajet cool gile kan??
tp even pape pon, aku try gak mencari mende yg bes
utk dibace...
not my art for diz time...
juz info yg di cetak bulat2 aje dr http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000141
nk translate blik pn malas...
PRO Medical Marijuana | CON Medical Marijuana |
1. Physician Perspectives on Marijuana's Medical Use | |
"The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day." | "Although I understand many believe marijuana is the most effective drug in combating their medical ailments, I would caution against this assumption due to the lack of consistent, repeatable scientific data available to prove marijuana's medical benefits. Based on current evidence, I believe that marijuana is a dangerous drug and that there are less dangerous medicines offering the same relief from pain and other medical symptoms." -- Bill Frist, MD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Former US Senator (R-TN) Correspondence to ProCon.org Oct. 20, 2003 |
2. Medical Organizations' Opinions | |
"ACP urges review of marijuana's status as a schedule I controlled substance and its reclassification into a more appropriate schedule, given the scientific evidence regarding marijuana's safety and efficacy in some clinical conditions... ACP strongly supports exemption from federal criminal prosecution; civil liability; or professional sanctioning, such as loss of licensure or credentialing, for physicians who prescribe or dispense medical marijuana in accordance with state law. Similarly, ACP strongly urges protection from criminal or civil penalties for patients who use medical marijuana as permitted under state laws." -- American College of Physicians ![]() "Supporting Research into the Therapeutic Role of Marijuana," acponline.org Feb. 15, 2008 | "In an effort to determine whether marijuana, or drugs derived from marijuana, might be effective as a glaucoma treatment, the National Eye Institute (NEI) supported research studies beginning in 1978... However, none of these studies demonstrated that marijuana -- or any of its components -- could lower IOP [intraocular pressure] as effectively as drugs already on the market. In addition, some potentially serious side effects were noted, including an increased heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure in studies using smoked marijuana. The identification of side effects from smoked marijuana, coupled with the emergence of highly effective FDA-approved medications for glaucoma treatment, may have led to diminished interest in this research area." |
3. US Government Officials' Views | |
"The evidence in this record [9-6-88 ruling] clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision. It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence in this record." -- Judge Francis L. Young ![]() ![]() ![]() DEA Administrative Law Judge Administrative ruling on Petition to Reschedule Marijuana Sep. 1988 | "Smoked marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs, and immune system. It impairs learning and interferes with memory, perception, and judgment. Smoked marijuana contains cancer-causing compounds and has been implicated in a high percentage of automobile crashes and workplace accidents." -- John Walters ![]() Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy Syndicated editorial Mar. 2002 |
4. Health Risks of Smoked Marijuana | |
"[T]here is very little evidence that smoking marijuana as a means of taking it represents a significant health risk. Although cannabis has been smoked widely in Western countries for more than four decades, there have been no reported cases of lung cancer or emphysema attributed to marijuana. I suspect that a day's breathing in any city with poor air quality poses more of a threat than inhaling a day's dose -- which for many ailments is just a portion of a joint -- of marijuana." -- Lester Grinspoon, MD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School "Puffing Is the Best Medicine," Los Angeles Times May 5, 2006 | "3-4 Cannabis cigarettes a day are associated with the same evidence of acute and chronic bronchitis and the same degree of damage to the bronchial mucosa as 20 or more tobacco cigarettes a day. Cannabis smoking is likely to weaken the immune system. Infections of the lung are due to a combination of smoking-related damage to the cells lining the bronchial passage and impairment of the principal immune cells in the small air sacs caused by cannabis." -- British Lung Foundation ![]() "Smoking Gun: The Impact of Cannabis Smoking on Respiratory Health," a publicly disseminated report Nov. 2002 |
5. Treating AIDS with Marijuana | |
"Patients receiving cannabinoids [smoked marijuana and marijuana pills] had improved immune function compared with those receiving placebo. They also gained about 4 pounds more on average than those patients receiving placebo." -- Donald Abrams, MD, et al. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Short-Term Effects of Cannabinoids in Patients with HIV-1 Infection," Annals of Internal Medicine Aug. 19, 2003 | "The most compelling concerns regarding marijuana smoking in HIV/AIDS patients are the possible effects of marijuana on immunity. Reports of opportunistic fungal and bacterial pneumonia in AIDS patients who used marijuana suggest that marijuana smoking either suppresses the immune system or exposes patients to an added burden of pathogens. In summary, patients with preexisting immune deficits due to AIDS should be expected to be vulnerable to serious harm caused by smoking marijuana." -- Institute of Medicine Report ![]() Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base Mar. 1999 |
6. Marijuana For the Terminally Ill | |
"Consumer Reports believes that, for patients with advanced AIDS and terminal cancer, the apparent benefits some derive from smoking marijuana outweigh any substantiated or even suspected risks. In the same spirit the FDA uses to hasten the approval of cancer drugs, federal laws should be relaxed in favor of states' rights to allow physicians to administer marijuana to their patients on a caring and compassionate basis." -- Consumer Reports ![]() ![]() Editorial May 1997 | "[T]he use of marijuana [for the terminally ill] can no longer be considered a therapeutic intervention but one of several procedures used to ease the ebbing of life of the terminally ill. But for this purpose doctors should prescribe antiemetic and analgesic therapies of proven efficacy, rather than marijuana smoking. This therapeutic course is not based on bureaucratic absolutism, political correctness, or reflexive ideology - but on scientific knowledge and the humane practice of medicine." -- Gabriel Nahas, MD, PhD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Editorial, Wall Street Journal Mar. 1997 |
7. Marijuana vs. Marinol | |
"There are really no other medications that have the same mechanisms of action as marijuana. Dronabinol (Marinol) is available by prescription in capsules, but has the distinct disadvantage of containing only synthetic delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is only one of many therapeutically beneficial cannabinoids in the natural plant." -- Gregory T. Carter, MD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Co-director, MDA/ALS Center, University of Washington Medical Center Muscular Dystrophy Association website article Oct. 2003 | "Marinol differs from the crude plant marijuana because it consists of one pure, well-studied, FDA-approved pharmaceutical in stable known dosages. Marijuana is an unstable mixture of over 400 chemicals including many toxic psychoactive chemicals which are largely unstudied and appear in uncontrolled strengths." -- California Narcotics Officers Association ![]() Official policy statement "The Use of Marijuana as a Medicine" Oct. 31, 2005 |
8. Addictiveness of Marijuana | |
"For some users, perhaps as many as 10 per cent, cannabis leads to psychological dependence, but there is scant evidence that it carries a risk of true addiction. Unlike cigarette smokers, most users do not take the drug on a daily basis, and usually abandon it in their twenties or thirties. Unlike for nicotine, alcohol and hard drugs, there is no clearly defined withdrawal syndrome, the hallmark of true addiction, when use is stopped." -- Colin Blakemore, PhD ![]() ![]() ![]() Chair, Dept. of Physiology, University of Oxford (U.K.), and Leslie Iversen, PhD ![]() ![]() ![]() Professor of Pharmacology, Oxford University Editorial, The Times (U.K.) Aug. 6, 2001 | "This study validated several specific effects of marijuana abstinence in heavy marijuana users, and showed they were reliable and clinically significant. These withdrawal effects appear similar in type and magnitude to those observed in studies of nicotine withdrawal [...] Craving for marijuana, decreased appetite, sleep difficulty, and weight loss reliably changed across the smoking and abstinence phases. Aggression, anger, irritability, restlessness, and strange dreams increased significantly during one abstinence phase, but not the other." --Alan J. Budney, PhD ![]() ![]() ![]() Professor, University of Arkansas Center for Addiction Research "Marijuana Abstinence Effects in Marijuana Smokers Maintained in Their Home Environment" Archives of General Psychiatry Oct. 2001 |
9. "Gateway" Effect | |
"We've shown that the marijuana gateway effect is not the best explanation for the link between marijuana use and the use of harder drugs. An alternative, simpler and more compelling explanation accounts for the pattern of drug use you see in this country, without resort to any gateway effects. While the gateway theory has enjoyed popular acceptance, scientists have always had their doubts. Our study shows that these doubts are justified.[...] The people who are predisposed to use drugs and have the opportunity to use drugs are more likely than others to use both marijuana and harder drugs. Marijuana typically comes first because it is more available." -- Andrew Morral, PhD ![]() ![]() ![]() Researcher, Rand Corporation Press release discussing his study published in the U.K. journal Addiction Dec. 2, 2002 | "A new federal report released today concludes the younger children are when they first use marijuana, the more likely they are to use cocaine and heroin and become dependent on drugs as adults.[...] Increases in the likelihood of cocaine and heroin use and drug dependence are also apparent for those who initiate use of marijuana at any later age" --US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) ![]() SAMHSA press release on their report; "Initiation of Marijuana Use: Trends, Patterns and Implications" Aug. 28, 2002 |
10. Medical Marijuana Debate and Its Affect on Youth Drug Use | |
"While it is not possible with existing data to determine conclusively that state medical marijuana laws caused the documented declines in adolescent marijuana use, the overwhelming downward trend strongly suggests that the effect of state medical marijuana laws on teen marijuana use has been either neutral or positive, discouraging youthful experimentation with the drug." -- Mitch Earleywine, PhD ![]() ![]() ![]() Associate Professor of Psychology, State University of New York at Albany Karen O’Keefe, Esq. ![]() ![]() ![]() Attorney & Legislative Analyst, Marijuana Policy Project Report, "Marijuana Use by Young People: The Impact of State Medical Marijuana Laws" Sep. 2005 | "By characterizing the use of illegal drugs as quasi-legal, state-sanctioned, Saturday afternoon fun, legalizers destabilize the societal norm that drug use is dangerous. They undercut the goals of stopping the initiation of drug use to prevent addiction.... Children entering drug abuse treatment routinely report that they heard that 'pot is medicine' and, therefore, believed it to be good for them." -- Andrea Barthwell, MD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Former Deputy Director, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Chicago Tribune editorial Feb. 17, 2004 |
PRO Medical Marijuana | CON Medical Marijuana |
- bile ade penyokong, wajib ade pembangkang gak kn... name pon da lumrah alam....
- semua mende xperfect dlm dunie nih... mane de mende yg 100% bg benefit rite??
- PEACE... =]
- Errrr....... Perc Rockett????
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