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Saturday, 26 March 2011

Sacred Letter From Whole Bunch!!!

Now I'm gonna tell you here and there...
Listen here carefully by reading through your heart...
The scene never ending when insane never end...
They are all bastard ......

Let me tell you why...
The crawler have whispered...
From very long time ago...
When the song start and never gone...
Seek through your heart when you never seal it..

"Please bring me home" is heard by heart when they insert...
Clouding the place with taste of heaven...
Please see the pit lord are farming...
From the sin of sinner never sit...

Time whole hardly seen around...
Cause they grip the chain of life..
From eternity to zero...
Lets make you among us..
Thus make you feel strongest...

Stop hear from the heaven's song..
It's heaven full of disgrace...
The dark are forming to full the sky...
This is the heaven of devil...

Now see the dark place are pierced..
Assisted by fierce demonic killer..
It's my heaven now...
When it torturing me in field of grass...
But i slip in the cherish depth of sky...

Please let me stay..
There is where I belong....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's never too late.

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